Embark on a voyage to Venice, the most enchanting city in Italy. A magical place filled with winding alleys, bridges, and canals, adorned with historic palaces holding stories both captivating and secret. Venice floats upon the sea, delicate yet resilient, unique and unrepeatable, much like the fragrances of Terenzi, which capture these ethereal, graceful emotions in an endless journey.
Paolo and Tiziana often visited these places as children with family and grandparents, taking joyful trips to this nearby city. These cherished memories are now bottled in the precious vials of the Tiziana Terenzi Luna Special Collection. The fragrance captures the lively marketplace during the day, the scent of spices, and the anticipation of spring’s arrival. It opens with a vibrant burst of Calabrian bergamot and Sicilian grapefruit, laid upon a sweet blend of cassis and pineapple.
Within this refined mix of violet and lily of the valley, embraced by the seductive burst of grandiflora jasmine and the aphrodisiac warmth of amber, the spirit of Venice emerges the passing of time, the ancient grandeur of cathedrals, the love of seafarers in the world’s most noble city.
In this fresh and airy composition that only spring can bring, one can sense the depth of hinoki wood wrapped in oakmoss, supported by the quiet strength of musk, accentuated by Madagascar vanilla berries. Moro di Venezia is a fragrance of adventure, evoking an unknown and mysterious Orient; a mirage rich with desires along the sea’s horizon. Discover this unique journey with a sample, and let the scent of Venice’s timeless allure transport you.
Tiziana Terenzi - Moro Di Venezia Notes:
Grapefruit, Pineapple, Bergamot, Cassis
Violet, Lily of the Valley, Jasmine, Ambergris